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Nana Menabdishvili


The growing trend in divorce rates dates back to the last century. This is a problem that is common to many countries, Georgia is among these countries. The arithmetic average of the last 21 years of divorce in the 21st century is equal to 2,576.  The number of divorces of young people (-20 - 29) in the country has increased 7 times from 2001 to 2019.  Compared to last year, the increase was 6 times. We think the decline was due to a pandemic.  During the pandemic, the number of divorces decreased. This was even more noticeable in 2020. The number of divorces in 2019 is 1.5 times higher than the same figure in 2020 and 1.2 times in 2021. We have identified three age groups of young people: -20; 20-24; 24-29. More or less, a growing trend of divorce was evident in all three of them. The highest growth rate is characterized by the 24-29 age group. They also have the highest divorce rate (68.5%).  They are followed by a group of 20-24 year olds and then -20 year olds. An increase in the number of divorces is characteristic of both sexes. But women are 1.5 times more likely to divorce than men.  The duration of marriage for young people under 20 is shorter than for young people of other ages.  We think, the increase in the number of divorces among young people should be the result of a more superficial attitude towards marriage.

Keywords: young people, divorce rate.